
Organizing a church wedding - what a wedding planner can help with


A church wedding is an unforgettable moment for many believing couples. We are united for life not only with someone we love, but also swear before God of undying love and fidelity. However, even such a spiritual experience, requires us to go through an arduous organizational process. A wedding planner is a person who will not only help us plan such a ceremony, but will also take care of all the time-consuming formalities.

Getting married in a Catholic church takes a moment. However, preparations for the ceremony take a lot of time and nerves. Especially busy couples know this, who, in the flurry of daily duties to get the necessary documents and certificates, must additionally struggle with a mass of official procedures. Wedding planner in such moments can be very helpful.


Wedding planner - indescribable help in wedding preparations

The organization of a church wedding requires the completion of the necessary documents. Not only do we need to book our chosen wedding date early enough, but we also need to sign up for pre-marital education. However, in the heat of pre-wedding preparations it is easy to overlook something. Thus, many couples often report to the parish chancellery without a set of necessary certificates.  A wedding planner is there to help us with such issues as well - to work out a schedule of preparations, to remember and inform us of any required visits and activities, to represent us wherever our presence is not necessary, and to help us obtain the necessary documents. Such a solution will allow us to plan the ceremony more accurately, save time and not worry about official issues, because a professional wedding planner will easily guide you through the intricate formal and legal aspects in the office and in the church. He will advise who to go to or which documents can be obtained online. He will also tell you what the procedures are, and which of the formalities you need to complete if you are getting married to a foreigner. 

So, if you don't want to waste time on lengthy official procedures or simply don't have the head for it, trust the specialists. We are here to guide you through this special day step by step